Product Information
Saving And Investment Plans BHARTI AXA LIFE Super Endowment Plan
A plan that helps to build your wealth, in a planned manner and meet your financial goals and future expenses.


  • Flexibility in Policy Term/Premium Payment Terms
  • Guaranteed Benefits
  • Extended Life Cover Benefit
  • Tax benefits


  • Survival Benefit :
    In case the Life Insured survives till a year before maturity of the Policy and all premiums are duly paid, Survival Benefit equal to Guaranteed Additions accrued as on the date of payment of Survival Benefit shall be payable at the end of one year before the end of policy term for all premium payment term and policy terms.
  • Guaranteed Additions:
    Subject to the Policy being in force and all due premiums being paid
  • Maturity Benefit:
    In case the Life Insured survives till the maturity of the Policy and all premiums are duly paid, then the Maturity benefit shall be paid as Sum Assured on Maturity to the policyholder for all premium payment term and policy terms.
Minimum age at entry Policy Term Age at Entry
16 years 2 years
18/20 years 91 Days
The insurance cover will start immediately on policy commencement for all lives including minor
Maximum age at entry: 60 years for all Policy Terms 
In case Extended Life Cover is opted for, the maximum age at entry is 55 years age last birthday
Maximum age at Maturity Maximum Age Policy Term
76 years 16 years
78 years 18 years
80 years 20 years

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