Product Information
Saving And Investment Plans BHARTI AXA LIFE Guaranteed Income Plan
A savings plan that provides increasing income every year ensuring that the rising expenses are taken care of and Life Insurance coverage in case of an unfortunate event to keep your family covered even in the worst eventuality.


  • Flexibility in Policy Term/Premium Payment Terms
  • Increasing Survival Payouts
  • Maturity Benefit
  • Tax benefits


  • Survival Payout* :
    On Survival of the Life Assured till the end of the premium payment term, Survival Payouts are paid as a percentage of ONE Annual Premium which increases every year at 10% of annual premium from the end of the premium payment term till one year before the end of the policy term
  • Maturity Benefit :
    In case the Life Insured survives till the maturity of the Policy and all premiums are duly paid
  • Death Benefit:
    In case of death of the Life Insured provided the policy is in-force and all due premiums till the date of death have been paid during the policy term, the sum assured on death will be paid to the nominee which is highest of:
    - 10 times annualized premiums
    - 105% of all premiums paid as on date of death
    - Absolute amount assured to be paid on death equal to the sum assured under the policy
    - Sum assured on maturity
    Death Benefit is payable in addition to any Survival Payout already paid.
Minimum age at entry Policy Term Age at Entry
15 years 3 years
19/23/29 years 91 Days
The insurance cover will start immediately on policy commencement for all lives including minor
Maximum age at entry: 55 years for all Policy Terms

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